permanent makeup

Best Lip Pigmentation & Lip Color Correction in Oakville, Ontario

Dolce Vita Medical Spa & Permanent Makeup provides the best lip pigmentation and color correction services in Oakville, Ontario. Our experienced and skilled technicians use the latest technology to create natural-looking results without any risks or side effects. The exact shade of pigment used is specially tailored to each client’s needs, ensuring a perfect fit for every skin tone.

Our lip pigmentation services include permanent lip color and enhancement, as well as corrections in shape and size. With our cutting-edge equipment, clients can enjoy a fuller pout, enhanced cupid’s bow, or even a more defined bottom lip—all with lasting results that can last two to four years with proper maintenance. We also offer complete customization when it comes to shades of lipstick, gloss, lip liners and more!

At Dolce Vita Medical Spa & Permanent Makeup, we also provide color correction treatments designed to restore symmetry between the two lips. Whether you need slight adjustments like minimizing uneven redness or correcting an overly stained hue, we have the necessary expertise to achieve your desired look with Lip Pigmentation and Lip Color Correction. We can successfully recreate the color you had before or come up with something completely different—the choice is yours!

We understand how important it is for customers to get their desired results when it comes to lip pigmentation and color correction. That’s why we strive for perfection. Book your appointment today for beautiful lips that will last!

Before lip pigmentation treatment:

If you are planning to undergo a lip pigmentation procedure, here are some steps you can take to prepare:

  • Research the procedure: Take some time to research the procedure so you know what to expect. Look at before and after photos of other patients who have had the procedure done to get an idea of the results.
  • Start applying Vaseline or petroleum jelly based ointment on the lips, for a week before the appointment, to ensure that the lips are soft and well moisturized.
  • Scrab the lips well the evening before the appointment, and apply a lip sleeping mask or petroleum jelly based product before you go to bed.
  • Get plenty of rest: Make sure you are well-rested before the procedure. This will help you feel more relaxed and can improve your overall experience.
permanent makeup
permanent makeup
  • Avoid certain medications: Some medications can increase the risk of bleeding or affect the pigmentation process. You should avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood thinners for at least a week before the procedure.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water before the procedure will help keep your lips hydrated and plump, which can make the pigment easier to apply.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine: Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you and make your lips dry, which can make the pigment more difficult to apply.
  • Avoid sun exposure: Too much sun exposure can make your lips dry and cause them to peel, which can interfere with the pigment’s absorption. Wear a lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from the sun.
  • Follow additional instructions provided by your permanent makeup artist.

Lip Pigmentation Aftercare:

After undergoing lip pigmentation, it is important to follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure the best possible results and prevent infection or other complications. Here are some tips for lip pigmentation aftercare:

  • Avoid touching your lips: After the procedure, your lips may feel tender and sore, so it’s important to avoid touching or rubbing them to prevent irritation or infection.
  • Apply ice packs: To help reduce swelling and discomfort, you can apply ice packs to your lips for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  • Keep your lips moisturized: It’s important to keep your lips moisturized after lip pigmentation to prevent dryness and cracking. You can use a petroleum-based lip balm or ointment, and apply it several times a day.
  • Avoid hot, spicy, or acidic foods and drinks: These can irritate your lips and delay the healing process.
permanent makeup
permanent makeup
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight: Sun exposure can cause your lip pigment to fade more quickly, so it’s important to avoid direct sunlight and wear a lip balm with SPF if you have to go outside.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise: For the first few days after the procedure, it’s best to avoid any strenuous exercise or activities that may cause excessive sweating, as this can also delay the healing process.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can also slow down the healing process and cause your lip pigment to fade more quickly.
  • Follow your technician’s aftercare instructions: Your lip pigmentation technician will provide you with specific aftercare instructions, so it’s important to follow them carefully to ensure the best possible results. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your technician or a healthcare professional.